Most Up to Date Ireland Travel Guide Book on the Planet !
Michele's Book Is Different
Expert, Personal Advice for the Best of Ireland Plan Your Trip Step-by-Step User Friendly Simple & Easy to Use Cuts Through Info Overload Quick Facts at Your Fingertips Exactly What You Need to Know All Your Questions Answered Updated Yearly Specially Bound to Lay Flat & Add Pages Budgeting Discounts Maps Sketches Charts Packing List
What Does the Book Contain?
Michele Erdvig's Ireland Dream Trip (formerly Best Little Guide to Ireland) is now in its 20th edition and totally up to date. Written by Ireland Travel Expert Michele Erdvig, this guidebook will be your best friend in Ireland. It will be just like having Michele along guiding you on a personal tour throughout the Emerald Isle!
Michele Erdvig's Ireland Dream Trip is a travel-sized book that tucks easily into your tote bag or suitcase. Concise, comprehensive and reliable, it contains everything travelers to Ireland need to know for a perfect trip through the Emerald Isle.
Michele takes all the trial and error out of your vacation by telling you exactly how to plan your trip: what documentation you need, a packing list, how to drive on the left, tips on car rentals, weather charts, how to phone Ireland, budgeting, how to make reservations and much, much more.
Quality lodgings personally selected by Michele are all accurately described, along with rates and contact information. Each listing has a sketch and/or maps and directions of how to find every lodging.
Michele Erdvig's Ireland Dream Trip covers all of Ireland -- both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. See the list below for more of what you will find in this book.
Comments from Melissa5 on Michele's Ireland Travel Forum. Click HERE to read all the comments.
"I knew Michele's book was unique when I used it to choose my accommodations for our Ireland trip summer 2006. HOWEVER I didn't know just how great it was until I found myself planning a trip for New Zealand and have found that NO SIMILAR BOOK exists for New Zealand…
Michele is like the Goldilocks of Ireland...she went, she slept in the beds, she tasted the porridge, she sat in the chair. Then she reported it all in her book.
Goldilocks Award presented to Michele by her readers and members of her Ireland Travel Forum.
I am an avid researcher and let me tell you nothing equal is available for New Zealand. Sure there are guidebooks, but none written by the same person who has slept in all the beds, ate the porridge, sat in the chair, and can personally compare it all for me!
So for New Zealand I am crossing my fingers on the accommodations to some extent. But for Ireland, with Michele Erdvig, you are in excellent hands!
So that means I must return to Ireland again, just one more reason. And when I do, I will buy Michele's latest edition of the BEST GUIDEBOOK ON THE PLANET!
Thanks Michele! You get the Goldilocks Award...the highest accolade in the travel industry."
CLICK HERE To read testimonials from Michele's readers and why they found Ireland Dream Trip the best book for their trip.
Your book will be sent priority mail to arrive within 2 - 3 business days in the USA. It is specially bound to lay flat for ease of use. The comb binding opens & allows you to add extra pages with your itinerary & notes. Free help is available on Michele's Ireland Travel Forum. Click HERE to order book.
Copyright © 1999 - 2013 by Michele Erdvig. All Rights Reserved.